March 14, 2013

  • I Wasn’t There To Point and Grunt

    A decent wife would have felt badly.

    And I did.


    But, obviously not enough to hold back my laughter.

    Meteorology Man and I have been talking plans for the fancy kennel and preparing for its construction.  Before we can get started, we need to move the hay to another building.  We talked through the options and details.




    We agreed on a plan and had every element covered.

    Since we are down to only two horses, they no longer need the whole loafing shed.  The plan was to divide that space with a fence and gate.  MM got started putting in the fence posts right after his afternoon jog.

    He came in all cut up, dirty and sweaty after the job was complete.  My man works hard to make things happen for his queen and her neurotic canine.

    We both headed back outside so I could check out his work and measure the gate space, but when we got to the loafing shed, there was no fence. I looked at MM and asked where’s the fence?

    He looked at me like I was crazy, a daily occurrence these days, and then tells me it’s in the loafing shed.

    But this is the loafing shed.

    He points to my pavilion and claims that is the loafing shed.

    He put up the fencing in the wrong building.

    He says it’s totally my fault because I wasn’t out there bossing him.

    Folks, you heard it here first.

    My man just admitted he needs me to tell him what to do.

    A nag’s Boss Lady’s dream come true.

    So, tell me about one of your miscommunications.

Comments (28)

  • I work with the public on  daily basis…. such a request makes my brain sputter from overload.  ;)

  • Haha!

    Afraid I don’t have anything entertaining for you this time.  At least, nothing I can recall.

  • My husband and I have nothing but miscommunication!  not as funny as you two though, for sure

  • Not married yet, hopefully one day I will be able to share.

  • Could he be implying that his Tamy is


  • A woman bought 2 items. Two seperate transactions. First transction was $700+. Second one was $400+. For the 1st trans, she swore up and down she gave the cashier $1100 cash. She told us she “accidently” gave the young man $400 too much during the 1st trans. I go up to my office and look it up on video. I very carefully see every detail of both cash trans. At NO time, did the woman give the cashier any extra $$ during either of the transactions. The woman wanted her $400 cash back. She swore up and down how the cashier stole her money. She told me, that I was lying when I told her everything was in order, including the fact that the register did NOT come up short. She even said I was covering for the cashier and that I altered the video. Before she left, she was hollering how we would be hearing from her attorney…..

  • @DislocatedTexan@ireallylikefood - ha!  I hear ya. Just being out amongst the peoples wears me out these days. Like when I am picking out my bananas and someone needs to be exactly where I am standing. I must have failed to communicate I was already standing in that space.    Got to love the peoples.

    @chronic_masticator - No miscommunications?  Teach me what you know.

    @KarensPotpourri2 - We have to laugh, otherwise we would have killed one another years ago.

    @Thatslifekid - What about your dog, ever have a miscommunication with your dog?  Cactus Jack still thinks I want him to bark at every, single. noise. he hears.

    @RighteousBruin - Here of late, I am most definitely the loafer of the house.

    @armnatmom - Spam Fail.   Excellent story!

  • Well, I wish my man told me to boss him. Ugh! that’s only a dream of mine! 

  • I’m another one of those Can’t Boss My Man women. I do make suggestions now and then and very minor decisions. He pretty much thinks he’s right and to make it worse (for me), he’s under the influence of the Grave’s disease. I must make it clear that he’s not a bully, either. I WISH I was the Queen sometimes! ( 8

  • I LOVE THIS. We do this with driving, a lot. I’m always telling him where to turn, etc. because he doesn’t pay attention and goes the wrong way, at least once a week. If I don’t tell him and he goes the wrong way, he says “why didn’t you TELL ME?”  Which I take as permission to continue to tell him where to go.

    Also, a week or so ago I bought a baby shower gift for a Katherine at church and a birthday gift for a Kate I work with. (two different people). The birthday gift was a silly little book with a dinosaur on the front called “All My Friends are Dead”. Hilarious. I showed him and he did not laugh. Yesterday he admitted to me, finally, that he thought I bought that for the baby shower gift. He said he thought it was weird, but what was even weirder was that Katherine from Church, had caught him later and told him she loved the baby gift I got her.
    He said he thought to himself, “I guess Beth knows what she is doing . . .”

    I laughed and laughed and laughed.

  • Ha! A man admitted he needed a woman to tell him what to do! Mark this on the calendar! Declare a national holiday! Gather the family for a sumptuous meal! Gifts for everyone!

    I’ve written down some of my miscommunications involving the male of the species…I’ll have to post one for you soon.


  • Maybe we should see pictures?  

  • @WildWomanOfTheWest - So far we haven’t had any projects that needed some sort of communication?  I do what I do, he does what he does.  

  • You two do well to laugh.  Oh my goodness! 

    I have a friend who is single and does not take it well when a woman tells him what to do.  He is also directionally challenged.  I got a big kick out of it when GPS systems came along and the voice telling him “which way to go” was a sultry woman’s voice  

  • The woman on the gum pack looks like a young Sophia Loren.  

  • Cool story, but where can I get some of that gum? Lol.

  • Oh man poor MM is gonna have to move a lot of fence.  

    My ex and I went looking at houses and then decided which one we wanted to rent and I sent him over to rent it as I had a young toddler and an infant baby, both tired and crabby.  I told him I wanted the one with the big fence around it and he called me from the service station and asked me which one.   He said the one by the station has a big white fence and I said that’s it.

    Well they both had big white fences. and the one h rented was a one bedroom.  We had a years lease and had to live in that one bedroom tiny house for a year with the four of us.  It was a challenge.

    the dumb ass should have known looking at that little house it was the wrong one.  Geez.

    Hugs WW.

  • hahahaha
    Maybe that is what is wrong with me….I don’t have a boss lady.

  • My husband retired this year, and let me say, for the record, this has not been fun.  I’ll compare it to having my mother-in-law move in with me.  He can look me straight in the eye while I’m telling him what I need, and the next day accuse me of not communicating.  It’s been somewhat like living with a child.  Decades spent working his ass off, 60 plus hours a week, always having to deal with other people’s children and their bad ass issues, and now that he’s free, it’s all about him.  And moi is getting a wee bit tired of this.  We have a tandem kayak, and he announced yesterday that he was making improvements on it so I would enjoy it more this summer….I told him last summer I didn’t like it.  Ah well, people tell me to be patient, give it time, talk to him as though he was a child, blah blah blah.  When all I really want is the crap pile, oops, the wood pile for his work shop stacked nicely out back and not hindering my plants.  By this time next year that should have happened.

  • @ABAHM - I loved your story. Reminds me of our friend Tim, he calls his bossy GPS, Betty. 

    @Such_are_you - Oh wow, she does!

    @ccrider17 - Check it out.

    @Grannys_Place - I had to tell MM this story.  Too freaking funny.

    @C_L_O_G - Consider yourself lucky.

    @Pollypinks - My man is not retired, but works from home, so we spend a lot of time together, NOT communicating.  Keep me posted on the wood pile.

  • We are only men; what do you expect?

  • Great post! That’s an anecdote that will stick in your lives for decades to come! We’ve had some fairly funny miscommunications lately, but I can’t seem to recall one to tell you. I’ll come back if I think of one.  My parents had some doozies because of the language/culture difference (Mam is Dutch, Dad is American). In Dutch, “NEXT” means the coming one while in English, it’s next week Thurs, not this week Thurs. (I think…I grew up confused about them). So my parents have shown up to dinner parties on the wrong week.

  • Update on the woodpile:  Haven’t gotten there yet, but today he raked up all the leftover leaves on my bush and flower beds, and promised to do more outside for me.  Has also begun swimming 3 times a week at a local rehab center, which has given him tons of joy.  Yes, there is hope on the horizon.  Won’t be smacking him with a bag of cotton balls anytime soon.

  • I might have made the same mistake. What the heck is a loafing shed? Sounds like either a bakery or an outhouse.

  • …and that’s why I try not to do anything for my wife.  There’s always something wrong and it’s always my fault.

  • If I were to type out Mike and my miscommunications it’d take a lot longer so I’ll settle for my constant miscommunication with my cat: “Ivy, come here. Ivy! Ivy! Sweet pea! Come here!” … ::She looks over to me with a wide eyed stare, as though to say:: “I’m sorry, were you calling me?” The human / cat relationship is one constant miscommunication.

  • lol.  yes, i heard you.  congrats ;p

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